Panda ٍِِِِAnimal Smiles

General information about animals

Here is some information about different kinds of animals that may not have been known by:

  •  Scorpion dies if approached by the fire because the heat change properties of proteins that make up his body and working on her coagulation; Causing violent spasms affecting the body's own tail, Unlike the popular belief that Scorpion sting itself if trapped in the fire to get rid of the pain.
  • The gator is the only animal that can move the upper jaw when swallowing his food while maintaining a constant lower jaw doesn't move.
  •  The blue whale is the biggest animal found on the planet, bringing his weight to (200) tons.
  •  Fish that live in the deep ocean not blind as some believe, with a distinctive structure of the retina, which consists of several layers of Visual receptors, Thus, the only animals that possess a buffer stock of Visual pigments.
  •  The horse can remain standing on his feet a few months without having to lie down.
  • The first Zoo in the world is Vienna Zoo, which Established in 1752 in Schonbrunn Palace. 
  •  The octopus can dispose of arms when it was attacked by predators, and arms that lose them grow back after a few weeks.
  •  An Octopus has three hearts, blue blood color also contain hemoglobin (Hemocyanin), which contains copper.
  •  Ostrich egg is the biggest egg in the world, with a length between 6-9 inches, weighs between 1.4-2.3 kg, accounting for approximately 1% of the weight of the mother.
  •  The Deer has no bitterness (Biliary vesicles).
  •  Spiders Tarantula can live for more than two years without eating.
  •  The Ostrich is faster than a horse, and male Ostrich can ROAR like lions.
  •  The Bat is the only breast animal can fly.
  •  The crocodile can live 100 years.
  •  One tooth of the Elephant weighs 9 pounds or approximately four kilos.
  •  A blue whale's tongue weighs more than an elephant's weight.
  •  The Elephant can learn the whereabouts of water three miles away. 
  •  One hundred whale be killed every day by the whalers.
  •  Snail's Eye can grow again when uprooted.
  •  Rock fish are most toxic fish in the world.
  •  The whale's heart beats nine times per minute.
  •  The newborn Panda bear is smaller than a mouse. 
  •  Oysters can change sex more than once.
  •  The Dog has 1700 bud taste on his tongue.
  •  Rodent teeth grow throughout their lives.
  •  Bats can eat 1000 insects  every hour. 
  •  Elephant consists of 15000 muscles and can drink 200 liters of water a day.
  •  The mouse eats its tail if it does not find what to eat.
  •  The starfish is the only animal that can stir the stomach out. 
  •   A Mole can dig a tunnel along 300 miles in one night only. 
  •  Taejun is an animal produced by mating the male tiger with a lioness female, a lager is an animal produced by mating the male lion with a female tiger.
  •  The whale embryo grows inside the mother's womb until it reaches a third of its length.

General information about insects

Female flies lay nearly 900 eggs as long as they live that stretches between 15-30 days. 

  • Bee flaps about approximately 230 once every second. 
  • The number of Ants in the world outnumbers humans by a million times.
  • The grasshopper can jump up to 20 times the length of its body. Ants never sleeps, and has no lungs. 
  • The Butterfly has 12,000 eyes.
  • Firefly is the only object that generates light without heat. 
  • Small fire flies Feed on pollen and nectar, while firefly doesn't need to eat to live.


  1.  " Why do scorpions «commit suicide» when surrounded by fire"Mètode.
  2.  " Crocodile", The Medieval Bestiary.
  3. "11 facts about blue whales, the largest animals ever known to live on Earth"، Tree Hugger.
  4. "Eyes of deep-sea fish have spare parts", Science Frontiers.
  5.  "HORSES AND SLEEP", Horse Junkie